"The logic of advertising so dominates the media that it views anything new - material, cultural or otherwise - as a product launch. And in any product launch, the key word is concept. So as discussion of décroissance (literally "degrowth", that is economic contraction or downscaling) spread, the media naturally started to ask what was the concept. We are sorry to disappoint the media, but degrowth is not a concept. There is no theory of contraction equivalent to the growth theories of economics. Degrowth is just a term created by radical critics of growth theory to free everybody from the economic correctness that prevents us from proposing alternative projects for post-development politics.

In fact degrowth is not a concrete project but a keyword. Society has been locked into thought dominated by progressivist growth economics; the tyranny of these has made imaginative thinking outside the box impossible. The idea of a contraction-based society is just a way to provoke thought about alternatives."


Mr. Serge Latouche, professor emeritus of the University of Paris-Sud presents his book Little Treaty of a Serene Degrowth (also published as Farewell to Growth) on March 23rd, 18:30 at L'institut Français de Budapest. A must-read for Club of Rome-followers and it's a really amusing piece by the way.

Március 23-án 18:30-kor a Budapesti Francia Intézetben mutatja be A nemnövekedés diszkrét bája című könyvét a szerző, Serge Latouche, az Université Paris-Sud professzor emeritusa. Római Klub-követőknek kötelező darab, ráadásul szórakoztató olvasmány.


Le Monde Diplomatique published a couple of easy-to-assimilate essays (here and here) by Mr. Latouche back in 2004 and 2006.

Latouche professzornak a Le Monde Diplomatique-ban korábban, 2004-ben és 2006-ban megjelent, könnyen emészthető írásait itt és itt lehet megtalálni.

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