Never get there
2012.01.28. 14:17
Sunny but cold day in Bp, very much like this photo. I was trying to find a picture with the city on it but nothing matches better the lights all around than this. Sharp, glowing lights, kind of projecting a halo around the objects. Do you know the feeling when you'd like to go out on a trip, but…
Szerző: CabodeFisterra
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Címkék: világítótorony lighthouse remote place presque isle michigan
Glass Beach, California
2012.01.25. 09:11
Due south
2011.09.24. 23:40
Some Southern Italian feeling for you to cheer up.
I loved almost everything there. Certainly wouldn't be able to pick just one thing. I bet Napolitanos could, and I'm thinking now of all that garbage piled up all along the streets (Italians have mastered the Art of Strike), but for…
Szerző: CabodeFisterra
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Címkék: olaszország nápoly provence italy naples remote place Franciaország Capri France
Sons & Dóttirs
2011.03.09. 17:34
Wrap up well, grab your boots, this remote place is closer than you have ever thought. Iceland's way to the European Union seems to be paved so it's time to get and see what's happening there before adventure trip addicted herds notice the news... and right before stupid EU rules and the spirit of…