Rather life itself

2011.03.22. 01:00

World Water Day today. All related events are listed on the WWD site. I'm quite disappointed there are only two minor events registered from Hungary. ¡Ostras! With all the water resources we are blessed with. Not to mention those silly tourism promotion campaigns emphasizing Hungary's spa culture.

Unlike lazy (sorry but it's true) green NGOs, SOS Mata Atlântica Foundation of Brazil could come up with an original idea last year and created a bloody brilliant site and a lovely video on how to save water with an extremely simple trick. Here it is:


I know it's kind of odd for some of you but please check the "Por que fazer xixi no banho" and the "Dúvedas frequentes" sections on the site. A little yellow drop translates everything to english if you click on yes when the page loads.

A classic water day programme in Hungary are the visits to the Gruber József Underground Reservoir in Gellérthegy, Budapest. By the way, Waterworks of Budapest's WWD site is a good launch point if you are looking for events, resources, infos.

HG.hu has a good collection of some "watery" constructions from all around the world.


I had an emotionally saturated (trying to be polite) argument a couple of days ago with a friend of mine about the reasonable use of light (how polite again). That is, he turns on all the lights within 10 seconds after he arrives home: 18 light bulbs all around his flat, with only 3 energy saving bulbs out of those. Oh, and 6 halogens, in his kitchen. I do understand he likes to live his afterwork life in a well lit space but why oh why does he need the light to be on in a room he is absolutely out of? No hope for answer, I tell you. Speaking of energy savings, I just wondered if I can consider myself a truly energy conscious person. What do I do for my local environment & planet Earth, home for my beloved remote places? Is there a minimum for an average european city-dweller (note that this year's WWD's slogan is Water for Cities: Responding to the Urban Challenge)? I took my time to gather my "currently I do"-list which I consider from now on the minimum and my "to do"-s which are way too complicated and require a lot more of efforts and self denials so I won't bother you with it (maybe next time).

You travel a lot, you want to own and eat and drink a lot but what do you do for the places you see during your travels, and for the soil your food was grown in, and for the water where phytoplanktons live producing half of the planet's air that you breathe?


Photos: Ursula Abresch, Mike McMurray/Flickr, quote of the title from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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