Never get there
2012.01.28. 14:17
Sunny but cold day in Bp, very much like this photo. I was trying to find a picture with the city on it but nothing matches better the lights all around than this. Sharp, glowing lights, kind of projecting a halo around the objects. Do you know the feeling when you'd like to go out on a trip, but…
Szerző: CabodeFisterra
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Címkék: világítótorony lighthouse remote place presque isle michigan
It's got the brains!
2012.01.27. 12:58
I just can't help, my heart is bouncing within my chest every time I visit Team Puli Space's page. I feel absolutely honoured to be part of their Small Step Club. There are no words for how much this country needs initiatives and spirit like theirs.Heaven, please send Puli to Space!